Reasons why an escort may not want to meet you again

After enjoying a luscious first or second meet, you finally thought you’ve finally had the perfect escort for all your engagements, and suddenly boom, your next booking is declined, and you’re left wondering what might be the reason, we will tell you shortly what might have gone wrong, but first, you must understand that escorts do have the right to not want to see a client again. Some clients might think that because they pay for the escort’s service, she is mandated to see them and put up with whatever they churn, but this is not the case.

In fact, New York escorts have all the freedom they need, and they can decide who they want to meet or reject. Their reasons can range from safety concerns to a simple dislike of the client.

If you have bad or poor hygiene

This is one of the most common turn-offs for an escort. But aside from escorts, no one truly loves to stick around someone who stinks due to simple neglect of personal hygiene. It gets worse if there is an addition of bad breath. Mouth odor is simply a turn-off for everyone, and no matter how much you think you might be paying her, if you stink, she will probably never want to meet you again.

If an escort remembers how dirty and disgusting you were from the last meet, she will gladly refuse to see you again.

If you attempt to haggle prices

Bookings are usually made through the agency for which the escort works. Prior to the time you meet with the escort, you must have heard the prices as listed from the customer service associate, you must have been told what to pay alongside your booking. 

Escorts hate it when they have a client who is not willing to pay immediately or try to haggle or shortchange them. The agency does not give room for renegotiating prices with escorts. You’re expected to finalize and come to an agreement during the booking. For escorts who meet many generous men, some of whom give huge tips freely and may even offer to pay above the expected amount, you really will fall short in her eyes when you haggle and/or underpay.

She may consider haggling as being rude even though you use good language and proper etiquette. If you would want to stand a chance to meet with an escort again, ensure you avoid being cheap.

If you become too clingy or insistent

Escorts are professionals, and they know how to generously carry out their service, but they can get pissed when you become too clingy or emotionally attached, especially when they have shown signs of lack of interest in anything other than what you paid for.

If you profess love to her and she politely but firmly reminds you that she can be a great friend and company and nothing more, but you keep being pushy, she may feel unsafe with you and might outrightly turn down another meeting with you.


You can enjoy the services of your favorite escort repeatedly when you observe full personal hygiene, not play cheap, have a control over your feelings and emotional attachments, especially when she is not interested. Insistent advances may pass for stalking, and there are strict laws against men stalking women. You really don’t want to get yourself into a mess.